... I pull gently at a corner of the comforter, crack one eye open and I see an apocalyptic image. Luiza, my sister, is pulling up some tights under a long pleated blue skirt. I look up at her over the skirt, against gravity. It’s her! But she is wearing a white shirt, pierced by badges like an insectarium, a red tie with a tricolor margin, a red braided cord with a sailor’s knot adorns her chest, and, to make the picture complete, she’s got braids over her shoulders. I feel I’m going to burst out laughing, but I hold it in and I ask her ironically but seriously: “Where are you going? Do you have a striptease class today? Or a fancy-dress ball?” She looks at me seriously, grabs my cheeks and scolds me:“Come on, little bear, we’ve got general assembly today, I don’t want to be late!” I can see she’s not kidding, I jump right out of bed, God it’s cold, I brush my teeth with some horrible toothpaste, tastes like soap, cold water, don’t know what’s wrong with this tap, why is there no hot water?... (more)
... Trag usor un colt al plapumii, mijesc un ochi catre ea si zaresc o imagine apocaliptica. Luiza, sora-mea, isi trage un ciorap subtire pe sub o fusta lunga, plisata, bleumarin. Imi preling privirea in sus de-a lungul fustei, anti-gravitational. Ea e! Dar are o bluza alba, inţepata cu insigne ca un insectar, o cravata rosie cu vipusca tricolora, pe piept troneaza un snur rosu, innodat parca marinareste si pentru a completa, pe umeri poarta trese. Ma pufneste rasul, dar ma abtin si o intreb ironic, dar serios: - Un’te duci? Ai ora de striptease? Sau aveti banchetul mascat? Ea ma priveste serioasa si, prinzandu-ma de obraji, ma apostrofeaza: - Hai, ursulet, ca azi avem careu, n-am chef sa intarzii! Vad ca nu-i de gluma, sar din pat, brrr, ce frig e, ma spal pe dinti cu o pasta infecta, parca-i sapun, cu apa rece, nu ştiu ce are robinetu’ asta, n-are calda? ... (mai mult)